Another one
Minecraft hosting
We provide hosting for Minecraft servers. There is no need to pay here. And if you pay, then only for the
Why choose Minecraftery?
Your personal Minecraft server
We offer you a personal Minecraft server where you can play by yourself or with your friends.
Free for most cases
Our free plan is completely suitable for you in most cases. You can always upgrade your server at will for a ridiculous fee.
Pay only for online
If you have chosen a paid plan, then payment is charged only for the time when the server is online.
DDOS Protected
Your personal Minecraft server is securely protected from any DDoS attack
Automatic backups
Your worlds will be securely saved when you are offline and can be restored when needed
Leave us your contact to be one of the first to know about the launch and become the owner of a personal free Minecraft server.
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